Friday, July 07, 2006 are a liar! you are a liar and a bastard! i'm calling the police!...

Something I've always wondered, but wonder again rather desperately this week. Sepi, how do you get your hair as gorgeous as you do?

Sepi and I have almost exactly the same type of hair; that Persian curlin' hair that can get frizzy when it wants to, but if properly managed is oh so beautiful. She always has it looking so beautiful! And I would like to know how.

Persian curls are a funny thing. They are completely impossible to control unless you have chanced upon that perfect combination of product and styling ability, which has more often than not eluded me. There have been the odd nights where something unexplicable occurs and my hair turns out perfect in its wound-up delectability, but usually it is frizzy and uneven, and therefore bound in a bun where it can do no damage. I would love love love to be able to wear it consistently down, or even in a well-conditioned poufless curly ponytail.

Once recently, I did manage this. I never wear my hair completely down, unaided but this time I did and you can see the curls somewhat in the background. (Really though it's just an excuse to show off the top I bought from American Eagle, ain't it cute?)

Recently a new salon opened up in Thornhill called Prisma, and was touted in Fashion18 magazine for their unique approach to cutting curly hair. It is supposed to be worth the $150 styling fee + tutorial and consultation. I'm seriously thinking of going there and spending what is disappointingly close to half a paycheck on one haircut. Thoughts?