Wednesday, April 13, 2005

...the reckoning [something glorious is about to happen]!...

Can somebody else please go and read "Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl" by Belle du Jour (remember her?) and tell me what you think. Specifically, tell me if I am wrong or not that the book sounds subtly mannish - sounding like a man's fantasy of a porn/violence/sadomasochistic/sex-loving woman. In some places the writing even sounds like it could have been written by a man. No lo se, but it's certainly interesting. Sometimes a little contrived, I have trouble buying into her now for some reason. As if there is no Belle, but a shadowy character behind the story writing what (s)he thinks we want to read.

I have been so patient and grown-up and non-whiney the past few weeks, it's amazing. Only a few more days... check me out, so mature and calm. Well. Outwardly calm, at any rate.