Friday, April 08, 2005

...anything to please...

Can somebody please tell me why Feist seems to have something against performing in Toronto? Opening for British Sea Power for most of their spring tour, the only city for which she is not joining them is Toronto. I do NOT understand, and I am not resigned.

Slept through Kathleen Edwards, and then I was sad. Not fast enough to jump on Constantines tickets and was even more sad.

Further, if I do not get some action tomorrow night I will kill myself. There is a chance the boy will emerge after the show, and I will not be able to contain myself and might jump him. I look therefore to Miss Lizzy and the Janet to hold me back if need be. Please let me be cool and savvy - and not, you know, lame. Or young. Definately don't want to be young either.

Shunning the dramaturges, have been reading reviews. Erratic erratic, some are lovely. Others not so much. All of them commend his performance though, whatever the rest. So. Yay. YAY!