Saturday, April 09, 2005

...i am delusion angel...

If the morning was any indication, the day will not be good. At the very least, it will be manic. Supposed to wake up early to meet Sara at Cinefranco around 9:30, I woke up at quarter to eleven having taken too many migraine pills last night. Thoroughly out of it, I slept through both alarms, had no recollection of ever hearing them. They were still on when I woke, and hadn't been switched off which makes me think they both rang through their 5 minute cycles and I had no awareness to that effect.

I performed such skilled body contortioning maneovres in the shower today, they should give me a medal. Or let me join the circus. Shaving and washing in a shower stall all without getting my hair wet - hurrah!

This afternoon is a mini skirt. Also flip-flops. Tonight will be heeled boots and new jewelery. With sexy hair.