Monday, March 28, 2005

...tales of a boring bookseller...

i) Andre Benjamin was in the store last night, yay for celebrity hobnobbing. Dan got his signature on a disc, and glowed all day. The rest of us glanced over covetously.

ii) Finished Max Tivoli, have started "Middlesex" and "A Short History of Progress" simultaneously.

iii) It seems everyone is getting married - four (count them, four) women of my acquaintance and/or friendship are getting married in the next 5 months. None of them is over 24 years old. With each breath of marriage news to reach my mothers ears, she perks up and looks over at me with hope. I glare at her.

We aren't even grown ups yet! What are you doing getting married, it's like a horrible game of dress-up.

iv) On the plus side, I am going to be a bridesmaid in Vancouver.

v) With a pit stop in Seattle.