Sunday, March 27, 2005

...looked for you downtown...

Michael Schiavo loses all credibility as his wife's guardian by the fact that he has a fiancee. Is it just me, or is that not a huge conflict of interest? The one person who insists Terri would want to die is the one person who's future with another woman depends on her death.

This whole thing is sick. Regardless of whether or not she should be allowed to die, depriving her of food and water is completely barbaric. What makes us think we can treat her this way because she is brain damaged? She is a person, and last I checked we can't choose to deny the people in our care access to the necessities of life because they aren't person "enough".

If Michael Schiavo doesn't want to care for his wife anymore, he should concede that care to the loving parents who want to care for the daughter they love. He can move on to the rest of his life in peace.