Friday, March 04, 2005

...a poem, a poem (a pie?)...

The word from my anthropology professor, re: my nerdy/excitement final paper topic, slightly divergent from the course requirement but interesting in the extreme. She says: "A very creative idea, and one that I am inclined to allow". The only catch? Has there been enough research done, and can I find it? I am to email her on Tuesday and see what she has come up with. This puts me perilously close to the deadline of the paper if it turns out the topic is a no-go. Oy, why couldn't I just pick a dull easy topic like everyone else?

*Answer: Because I am a superstar*

The boy was all about the touching today, and I think his mind is unbalanced. I am a confused duckie, I need smoke signals and brush fires. Subtlety is not for the masses, they all lied to you.

Then, later there was a moment when I wasn't sure I heard what I thought I had heard, because if that was really what was said - well, the implications are nicely mammoth. A huge, hairy mammoth mammal from the paleolithic age. Clearly, I have lost my mind. Incoherence abounds, and I haven't even had coffee. Que pasa?