Monday, February 28, 2005

...strangers that you've met...

Plato was too beautiful for this world, I think. Too many pure ideas, of the spiritual. The world is constructed in such a way that anyone wielding that shield of naivete will find themselves crushed under what, essentially, always turns out to be a dark place.

Apparently, everyone is unsatisfied with their life. There's always something else we want, something more. My discontent is not unique.

When I say that the answer is a "change of scene", I don't refer solely to geography. I speak more generally than that. I need a change to all the elements that would cause unhappiness, discomfort, or uneasiness. So I guess New York is no answer after all. I'm slowly learning that I can make a change of scenery even here, in this city. I suppose it means that what I really need is a change of component parts, a complete personal feng shui.