Friday, February 25, 2005

...conveniently complacent...

i) I even got rejected for a Visa. Man, my life sucks (at this moment of depression at least, the rest of the day was lovely).

ii) Does it mean anything, do you think, that I can count every conversation I have ever had with Marc on one hand? After being here almost 4 years? Today there was another conversation. By which I mean, a sentence. In response to news of Alex's girlfriend (dum dum da da): "Do you know her?" - No, I said. That was all.

I really wish he didn't think I was so completely useless. He makes me feel about *this* small.

iii) "Your signals suck", AM tells me earlier tonight. My signals? Mine?! Christ. I hate men. Stop confusing me.

iv) Last night in my sleep, a massive Charlie Horse in my right calf, and the pain is still harassing me today. Every time I take a step, my right calf muscle contracts more than the left, and it hurts like a bitch. I'm concerned that if it goes on like this, it might actually start tearing as it pulls.

This might mean that I have to go to the health centre tomorrow.

But the real implication is that I'll have to wake up early to shave my legs.

v) Chingy! Do we remember "right thurr"?