Sunday, January 23, 2005 screams pink...

Is this how Sunday's are supposed to be? So calm and time going so slowly you find yourself having blogged 5 times in one day?

We revert to the use of blog as emotive bulletin board and psychotherapist - my parents closest friend has just been diagnosed with a very aggressive, high grade form of bone cancer that has us all terrified. Terrified and devastated, because it seems very immediate. When my uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer several years ago, it didn't seem as pressing because he had a few more years afterwards. This doesn't look like it will play out the same. Within three weeks of diagnosis, we are already now seeing metastasis to the lungs.

For all you non-medicals out there, that is a very bad sign.

I'm very afraid, and very sad. I want us all to go see him right now, because I'm afraid otherwise that I might not be able to.

Talking to a boy this morning about what you do when life gets you down - read about the Random Acts of Kindness in the Toronto Star. But what do you do when even that doesn't cut it?