Friday, January 21, 2005


My mother allegedly woke me up at 7:30 this morning, but I crawled out of bed a couple of minutes ago and it's almost 10. This morning sees me going to Thornhill maybe (if I can get out of here in time), helping Rachel on her philosophy essay maybe (if she wakes up in time) and then heading back downtown to work. Post-work there will be Lizzy outage maybe (if she doesn't make scenester plans).

News from Iran (the kind that will mean nothing to the general public):
- Sara has scoliosis and is going to be getting surgery on her back.
Aside: How are Iranian surgeons? Can I kidnap her and bring her here, to have the operation done here?
- Mohammad is getting married.
- Arash is not (or at least, no one said anything to that effect - which is good because I still plan on marrying him myself)
- My ameh says hello, and sends love: "Chera nemiyay pishe ma, ameh?", she says plaintively. Because the world is EVIL and won't let me come. I miss you sooooo much though...