Wednesday, January 19, 2005

...are you getting on a bit?...

I secretly hate British girls. Not generally and not all - a very particular group of them. The "Fuck me I'm hot", too much giggling, sneak out of a staff room closet looking flushed and disheveled only to be followed out a moment later by the once-thought-classy. It's too much. I can't take this - must you all disappoint me?

On other British news: Robbie Williams + "I spy with my little eye" on the background of Supreme = The Hottest.

To my social life which, after the brilliant example of cowardice and shy blummedgry I displayed today, will never be salvaged, I say: rest in peace. Janet says "get over yourself". It doesn't mean what it sounds like it means. It's Janet-speak for "get over your fear". But I mean, doesn't fear keep us from self-destruction? Which is good. Like with the 6-month old babies, who won't crawl onto a glass-covered abyss for fear they'll fall? Right?