Monday, November 15, 2004 make me wanna la la (in the kitchen, on the floor)...

Congratulations to the men of the planet: many of your sins have been redeemed today by the actions of two individuals, namely "the boy" and Rene.

The boy sent a customer down to kids today, who was looking for some books for her grandkids. He told her "go downstairs to kids, and there's a beautiful woman with long dark hair and she'll help you find anything you need". At first I had no idea who she was talking about, and I said "did they hire someone new in kids? Why didn't they tell me?", and she laughed and said it was me he had been talking about and even described my earrings to her. So... then I melted. I kinda want him. Like, really really bad. And the leather jacket, and the near-dirty Italian name, and the motorcycle-gang hand grabs, and all of he.

THEN, walking home from work I passed by Rene's school and he saw me from the window and suddenly I hear all these pounding noises, and I look over, and he and his third-graders are all standing there banging on the glass, waving like idiots. For an ex, he's definately a sweetheart. Why couldn't the rest of them have been like him?

So, hatred of boys today: slim to none, but not quite none, because Janet's friend's boyfriend turned into a shmuck and should be shot.

Also, nothing reflects more on the disintegration of civilized society more than the state of our public bathrooms. Shudder.

Also, Condi? Swell.