Monday, November 15, 2004

...emergency exit only (alarm will ring)...

Do you believe in signs? This doesn't relate to anything else in this post, except I saw something random and it seemed too apt to be coincidence and I chose to take it as an omen. Maybe, could be.

Walking with Janet towards Robarts, our perpetual haunt, and after having exhausted all the Disney songs we know, we were singing John Mayer. "Wheel", it was, au moment ou l'on parle. Then discussing our favorite lines from his music. Her's: "There's fog inside the glass of my summer heart". Mine: "I'll never let your head hit the bed without my hand behind it".

Me: I love John Mayer. He has such a way of writing that is true to life, and really resonates with...
Janet: ...little emo girls?

Well... yes, if you put it that way.

Earlier, she's talking about a good friend of hers whose boyfriend just left her and immediately got together with someone new. She was so angry, Janet, telling me about it. I said: "Yeah, it sucks doesn't it. Guys like that should be shot". Yes, she agreed, they should. Well, we know this has always been my philosphy. Cheers to me.