Thursday, September 16, 2004

...olvidate de mi...

I can safely assume that when both my best friends and myself independently come up with the same solution (Farnam: r...rrrr...rr... - truly hilarious), then it ceases to become us being paranoid and becomes us being rational and intuitive.

Oh please, don't even pretend you are surprised. We all knew he was loco anyways.

I finally got the balls to cut cut cut today. Cut from phone (the number has changed), cut from location, cut from internet communication. I will be like an apparition in what as of today becomes a sudden disappearance from anything in his life.

If you love beautiful voices and melty music, go find Josh Groban. Listen to "Alejate" and "Canto Alla Vita":

Dedicato a chi colpevole o innocente
perso in questo mare si e arreso alla corrente
chi non e mai stato vincente?

Dedicato a chi ha sempre una speranza
davanti ad un dolore
nel freddo di una stanza

Dedicato a chi cerca la sua liberta

Canto alla vita
alla sua bellezza
ad ogni sua ferita
ogni sua bellezza

Finally, a secret admission to Farnam, to make up for the fact that I am a horrible person and forgot I was giving her books - remember Damien Rice? Right so turns out I have heard "blower's daughter" before, and it is single handedly one of the meltiest songs I have ever heard, can be competed with only by "hallelujah". I love it.