Monday, September 13, 2004

...come on closer, i want to show you...

i) The thing is, Jem's lyrics aren't anything special. Not deep or profound, really really infantile for the most part. But damn, the girl is catchy. Tracks 1-5 are awesome, and a couple other stellar songs can be found among the rest. So yes, it's a cheap easy listen, but it's an entertaining one. And the British accent is definately hot. I want a sexy British accent.

I also want a sexy British man.

ii) My bioethics prof is a recent transfer from teaching at Cornell for the past 7 years. An Ivy League prof. That totally excites me. Yes, I do realize how much the nerd I am. Please don't feel the need to tell me.

iii) I put up artwork and photographs on my walls and the place is starting to look put together. I put up one of my mother's paintings and it makes me feel -- homier. Speaking of homier, I found a Persian super in Kensington yesterday and bought noon barbari and doogh. Sooo yummy. Don't you wish you were here?

iv) The plaid miniskirt was definately a hot choice. Yay me.