Sunday, July 18, 2004

...feels like the world is closing on me...

i) Coming home last night around 1 am, I almost passed our house by completely as there in the driveway was a car I did not know, a black shiny new Ford Explorer with tan leather interior. Leave it to my parents to do something crazy like get a new car on a whim.  I loved it, it was like Christmas. With new car smell.
ii) My parents ability to come up with new and subtle ways of demonstrating the fact that I am only a second-rate daughter never ceases to amaze me. In this latest example, my father bought a top-of-the-line Dell for my newly-collegiate brother to take to McGill, when for my approach to university he had spent $800 on a piece of shit machine from his Persian "connection" concocted from independent and likely illegal parts none of which was related to the other. A Daytek monitor and a Compaq CPU shell filled with god only knows what.
Of course the demeaning treatment endured by virtue of being a girl has it's pluses as well. I can take whatever general liberal arts bullshit major leading to unemployment I want to in school. I'm a girl, who cares what I do? My brother on the other hand is being coerced into the professional fields sure to garner lots of money. Currently, he will be studying Life Sciences and pre-med at McGill.
iii) Who wants to see Jill Scott with me in August? Yes?

iv) I'm exceedingly amused by the fact that a tiny little creature of a thing like Alice the Fairy at any given moment has 15 sensible adults absolutely glued to her attentions and wrapped around her little finger. Sunday today, sees me in the typical family tradition of littlebabymonopolization. Today she was entranced by my cellphone which played pretty tunes. The kid dances and everything, at 10 months. Too much fun for words, is the days of Alice-visitation.