Tuesday, July 13, 2004

...just call me the Dapper Don...

...get it? Dapper because of the bingo dapper thing. Or is it dabber?

D Chronicles: Part 1
This just in: My town has a bingo hall. Where have I been through all of this? These people were hardcore, it was scary. They commanded absolute silence and nearly threw us out when Matt couldn't comply. So we told everyone he had Tourette's. He doesn't.

Max the Agent stared down my chest. His wife offered me a babysitting job. 70 year old Russian Vlodny from the table in front of us hit on me. Turns out he's known as the "Stud of Delta Bingo" and conveniently (or discomfortingly) lives down the street from me. We hate Matt because while the girls ran to Timmy's to supply our collective caffeine dependencies, he ran outside to chat with Jory on the phone and left me to the attentions of said Vlodny. Vlodny spent some time in Iran years ago. He turned to me with his charming smile and said "dooset daaram". I shifted my chair a little away, but smiled nicely in my turn.

Also, we did not win tonight. At all. The whole night. Through 10 games.

D Chronicles: Part 2
Almost 10 months worth of catching up with D. It turns out that in some paradoxical occurance, I am K, and she is A. Except I am not moving to Newfoundland, and she is not emotionally unable.

I had some insights tonight. I'm not going to share them but it is enough to know that they were had. They aren't of any use because what's done is done and I can't really go back in time and be less emotionally charged, but good to know for future? Maybe. Except this is probably who I am and I can't change it. So what then, I ask you?

You know, I blame myself for us not being friends. But friendship is a pipe dream anyway - I couldn't not care, and he couldn't care so it was all horribly mismatched and we are where we are.

In other news:
Tomorrow I am wearing the outfit that I wore on Thursday in the hopes that tomorrow he will be where he is supposed to be, which is somewhere where I will be seen. Because I have come to the realization that he should not be the only one with tease powers. See, because gratuitous flirtation should be a constitutional right. Equality and all that jazz, it is the 21st century after all. And also, the top is off the shoulder, so, you know.