Monday, August 06, 2007

...verdi's consumptive sopranos...

I had always wondered by the force of which power Paul Ruditis' "The Rainbow Party" made it into the store. I had been proud for so long - Barnes and Noble caved; Borders caved; and we, we were the last holdout, the last brave bookstore to withstand the pressure of teenage titillation. Until that fateful November day when the book showed up on our carts, a year after its original debut. I chalked it up to the fate of all bookstores to occasionally traffic in dribble and thought nothing more of it, relegating it to the depths of overstock to be forgotten.

Until today that is, when I stumbled upon the reason for the books appearance in the children's section. A purchase requisition! Someone actually requested this title! Grrrr. I have my thoughts, oh do I ever have my thoughts.