Thursday, June 14, 2007

...can you guess how many?...

I noticed the problem as soon as I took the skirt out of the dryer. Or rather, noticed that there was a problem. It took me a minute to recognize exactly what it was. The skirt was definately shorter today than it was when I threw it in the laundry the night before. It had definately shrunk.


I'd thrown this particular skirt into the washer, followed by the dryer, many times before with no serious problems. Last night, for some reason, I decided to read the washing instructions which specifically said "hang to dry". I thought about it, I really did. But realized that if I hung it to dry, it wouldn't be dry by the time I had to leave for work in the morning, and my other work-skirt is at the dry cleaner, and it's too hot to wear pants, besides who wants to wear sloppy boring pants to work, downtown, on an event day? (Long/short: no hang dry). Anyways like I said, I had thrown it into the dryer before, in ignorance, with no adverse consequences.

I have a picture in my mind this morning of the God of Laundry watching over me, nodding his head, saying "I did tell you. You disobeyed my specific instructions. I was quite clear". "But sirrrrrr...". "Thou talketh back to ME? Ignorance is NOT bliss".


I am both anal-retentive and obsessively paranoid about being late for work, and still have a full four hours before I'm due for my shift. Plenty of time to run into the mall and buy a quick work-outfit replacement. Tomorrow is payday after all, I think I can push into my VISA bill just a little bit this morning, for a good cause.