Friday, May 25, 2007

...gff kiss kiss...

I have some people I went to high school with on my Facebook friends list. I'm not actually friends with them. If they saw me on the street, they might pause and try and place me. Maybe they would remember having attended the same high school as me. Probably they would notice my Lacoste sneakers and recognize them for what they are - from a line two years old and bought on *shudder*... discount.

These girls added me on their friends lists over the course of the last year or two, as Facebook was gaining in popularity as a network tool and as a visual, real-time representation of people's popularities. They added me to increase the number of friends on their list, I added them to provide me with endless hours of wall-reading fun. I'm gratified to find that neither their spelling skills, nor their social consciences have improved...

Earlier I saw two of them on the subway. They sat right across from me. One looked at me briefly, as if I looked familiar, but finally must have decided that she didn't really know me. Maybe she assumed she had seen me on the subway before, and mentally analysed whatever that day's fashion faux pas had been. They continued talking with each other. I listened with avid curiousity and laughed at what I heard - they were still talking about people we went to high school with, who they had run into, who was dating who, what was crazy and couldn't dance and why did she come out with us last night, and who was wearing what and can you believe it?

Like I said, endless entertainment.