Thursday, May 24, 2007

...celebrating stocks and barrels...

I tried for 33 minutes to articulate the past two days, and in each attempt I got tired after trying to get the details out. But really I don't think the details matter so much, at least in this context. (In that other context, the "getting-the-whole-story" context, I think the details matter very much). For the purposes of before-bed unwinding and the letting go of something off the chest, I can get away with just expressing the blurred edges containing the event.

Actually even that isn't true, I just spent another 9 minutes trying for an outline, without success. I guess all you need to know is that I wasn't crying because I was upset by what she said, but because (even though he didn't think he did) he did help and make it better, and it was that support which made me emotional. I think the next couple of weeks I'm going to be like a kid with separation anxiety.

Someone asked me today why I didn't tell her (or any of the people she spoke to, after) what happened on my end. The answer is nobody asked. Everyone wants to continue saying/believing/acting as before, which is how people act when they have no real connections and everything happens at the surface. So, okay. I can act at surface level too.