Sunday, February 11, 2007

...forced migration...

"Why did you join the group?", they asked me over cranberry juice and (sponsored) all-dressed Doritos. As it turned out, today was interview day, and no one was spared. "Oh, it's my first day" -- words not strong enough to grant you leave. Why did I join? To belong to something again I suppose. I'm surprised how easy it was. In less than two hours I was hugged, fed, high-fived, asked for opinions and given tasks to carry me through to the next meeting. But "only if you want to, only if you can". Of course I can. I will, I will for you.

The distraction machine we live in has its faults, of course it does. But it's full, crowds of people/groups/causes everywhere around you, everywhere you look things to do, things to be. No place to be lonely.