Tuesday, April 25, 2006

...the vocal master class...

Remember everything I said about not condoning censorship? I take it all back. Today the book "Rainbow Party" came into the store. You may not have heard of it, unless you have at some point caught me in one of my "save the souls of our children!" rants. This is a book about oral sex. It purports to be a cautionary tale, but I don't find the complete ostracization of a confused female lead for hosting the blowjob party that never happened too cautionary. It is needless tintillation, and seriously graphic. There were at least three scenes which are racier than what you would find in the adult fiction section. There has been no end of media and lit-forum coverage about this book, and the fact that neither Borders nor Barnes & Nobles carries it (although apparently you can order it through them online).

I want it gone. At the very least I want mature content stickers, like those happy people in the States have. They know how to keep their demoralizing liberal-funky authors slapped down.

i) TPTB = the powers that be
ii) Here's to being responsible for lots of peoples futures. And to having it together.