Wednesday, April 26, 2006

...big love...

Alright my little cyber constituents, lend me your aid...

I was making coffee earlier, and in the middle of the process the light went off and the drip stopped and the pot was cold and there was minimal coffee. And it would not turn back on. I growled a little inside, then got over it. But later, I went to use the toaster on the same side of the kitchen, and it wouldn't turn on. And I had a brilliant idea, ran to the coffeemaker, and pressed the button on and off a couple times, and nothing happened. Fuse problem!

So I ran downstairs to the breaker, and flipped the appropriate switch a couple times. Ran up to try it again, and it didn't work. Repeat 3x, then decided it probably isn't a good idea to keep flipping random switches... what does this mean?!

Earlier was the dreaded POL exam that has been haunting my dreams for the past couple of weeks and making me a miserable dredge to be around. I opened the test booklet, read the first section and just about started crying right there. Of the 10 quotations on the page, I recognized only two on sight. Never mind the fact I had two essays to right as well. I entertained thoughts of dropping out of U of T, actualizing nothing, and reporting to an angry Persian father with a 62% - "what happened to the other 38%?" he shouts at me. Off to the side, a hazy Mr. Wasserman smirks and nods his head, knowing since early high school I would never realize my potential. Justifying giving me the wrong deadline date for the Millenium Scholarship in grade 13 as "nothing wasted"...

It wasn't that bad, but it was difficult. And I was shaking after a little bit, but it's over now. Two more to go, one tomorrow. Funny story that. Studying earlier I discovered a New Studying Method and thought great, I have a week to implement it. Rechecked my schedule and realized (though on some level I really did know this I promise) that nope, the ANT exam is tomorrow. Sigh. Back to cramming.

Left the exam room with Sophie, and headed to Go! for quick dinner, where we ran into my Boss and KindaBoss? in suits no less. Afterwards, prepared to go for coffee with a Rene who finally called me. In between I did something incredibly lame, but which I did the last time I was preparing to see him, sometime last year. It made me feel better. And 13.

This was all much more than you needed to know about my day. Maybe it's true what they say. A three-hour mind-rape of an exam will give you verbal diarrhea. Aristotle's Revenge? (get it... like Montezuma... oh forget it.) I'm going to bed.