Friday, July 01, 2005

...tag! you're it!...

Because no one thought to tag me about this book thing, I'm bloody doing it myself. I LIKE talking about books dammit.

Total Number of Books I Own: several hundred, between my place, my uncle's garage (until I move again), and my parents basement.

Last Book I Read: Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn, a very clever novel about language and the alphabet. Today I started his new one, Ibid which is just as cute, just as clever.

Last Book I Bought: Line of Beauty, by Alan Hollinghurst, No Time by Heather Menzies and Conrad's Fate by Diana Wynne Jones

Five Books That Mean A Lot To Me:

Spoiler warning:

1. An Underachiever's Diary by Benjamin Anastas - because it gave me insights into someone I love, and threw the concept of the hero on its head. Would I have cared for him without reading this book? Probably, but I understand him better.

2. I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith - I read this book when I was in high school and lost, and related so much to Cassandra's character. Aside from the fact that it's beautifully written with a slew of interesting and unique characters, it's very true to reallifeemotion, which I am always a sucker for.

3. Lord of the Flies by William Golding - for two reasons. The reason which pertains to the book is because when I read it at 13, it shocked the realities of human nature into me. An emotive reason is because it started the tradition of my mother and I trading books with each other.

4. Skinny Legs and All by Tom Robbins - while I agree that Tom Robbins generally doesn't need a justification, ever; I will mention that (despite what others say), this is clearly his best novel.

5. Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder - this book is a phenomenal achievement. At once a gripping mystery tale, and a complete introductory history to philosophy. A heavy read, it took me several attempts to get through it before I finally finished it last year.

6. (I know we were meant to say 5... but I broke the rules writing this, I will continue to do so, thank you) - Beyond This Dark House, Guy Gavriel Kay - the book of poetry by my favorite Canadian author of novels is gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous, and very much like the way he writes his works of fiction.

I won't tag 5 people but I would like to hear Farnam's list - so... she is hereby tagged.