Wednesday, April 27, 2005

...jumping jacks [ask why]...

Hiding in her room studying in her gray hoodie all the time, lights low, Martha missed out on something integral to every life - the ebaum's world videos, including my ever favourite End of the World, and the Numa Numa dance. Both were acquainted with her tonight.

Earlier tonight and at the premiere of the Enron documentary. It was incredible and fascinating - although stylistically as a film some things frustrated me, especially the music and cliched subheadings - to see how the company progressed, and the level of callous disregard for the lives of others that not only the executives but the traders had, as well as the extent of the fraud and the number of reputed organizations and companies and governments and banks involved. The questions it raises are enormous, and the entire story was shocking.

Bioethics notes were done tonight; anthropology's will be done tomorrow and then revision of both. Hurrah!