Tuesday, March 22, 2005

...waiting for the lottery...

Tuesday morning (functional):

The search was on for the perfect eggplant. It took an hour and three different fruit markets before I found one to which I could resign myself. The most tangible sign yet of spring approaching: the smell of the fish markets permeating Kensington.

Tuesday morning (emotive):

Yours is the first face that I saw
I think I was blind before I met you
I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been
But I know where I want to go

So I thought I'd let you know
These things take forever, I especially am slow...

And you said "This is the first day of my life
I'm glad I didn't die before I met you
Now I don't care, I could go anywhere with you
And I'd probably be happy...

Besides, maybe this time it's different
I mean I really think you like me