Wednesday, March 16, 2005

...the infanta...

Listening to: Picaresque, from The Decemberists curtesy of Miss Lizzy.

Yesterday we were talking about the fact that Sally Burke's character in The Dylanist reminds me of Lizzy. Later that night and reading into chapter 32, Sally's boyfriend Owen called her Miss Lizzie for no reason that was explained in the book. And I thought is it possible that the book heard me, and put that reference in just to give validity to my comparison?

Waking up to a migraine I missed both meeting and class, and studying and any intention of looking presentable aujourd'hui. Red-eyed beast that I am finally dragged myself out of bed around noon and made rice. Chatted with the roommate who finally came home, my British tea-brewer, and a new Vancouverite who hadn't been heard from in three weeks - and so despite overblown abject misery, my day has some perks already.

From here on in, things can only get better, and very rapidly, too. You have plumbed the extreme depths of a difficult situation and now you are going to start reaping benefits of your lessons.

Excellent. Phil Booth is finally sending some love my way.