Sunday, February 25, 2007

...early afternoon bourbon...

I don't know what I was expecting when I started reading (almost against my better judgement) the book "My Mother the Cheerleader", due to be released in April by debut author Robert Sharenow. For one thing, the title is reminscent of all the Gossip Girl-types I dread in YA books. For another, Sharenow, when he isn't writing, is the executive producer of Growing Up Gotti and Dog: Bounty Hunter, among other shows. I was very close to judging the book by its cover, and moving on. But whatever it was I was instinctively expecting to find, this book was definately not it. It was subtle and sensitive, and tackled serious historical issues that have contemporary relevance, without the heavy-handed density that can turn off adolescent readers. It was also, despite a weak last few paragraphs, both touching and real. No false sincerity here, making the story that much more powerful. Teachers are going to eat this book up. Four hours after starting it, I already did.