Tuesday, July 11, 2006

...they also mourn who do not wear black...

This is going to be a lousy day. Some things I can just feel. You may have noticed it's a little after 6am and may be wondering what wakes me at this hour. Well I attempted to enrol in courses today, satisfied that my 6am start time would ensure my entrance into any of the courses that set my academic heart a blazin. I signed on only to be met at every attempt with Error 6708 deadline reached. Panicking I tried to figure out what this means, landed back on the View Start Time page and noticed that the date stamped next to my time wasn't July 11, 2006 but July 17, 2006.

Apparently due to the new guidelines, I am half a credit short of 4th year so I enrol with the 3rd years, next week, in the second round. If I fail to get into any of my courses, heads will roll.

I hate it when my quest for academia is left obnoxiously thwarted.

They did add a new feature to the enrolment program; the ability to see at any point how many spaces are left in a particular class. Which means for the next week I will be desperately loading and reloading the program to see the numbers and pray I get a space. Bastards.