Friday, April 07, 2006 you even HAVE an immune system?...

Re: girls and fat talk.

You know. The "I'm so fat", "no you're not!", "ugh yeah I am" talk that we all go through every now and then. It happens to me a lot, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Today I overheard one of my student's fat talk conversation with her friend. Afterwards, I asked her if she really believes she's fat, because I couldn't believe it. This girl is unbelievably skinny and a good head on her shoulders - I didn't think she could really have the hangups she had been describing.

"Well no, not really", she said, "but, like, you know. I feel like I have to say these things. Like, if I didn't say it, maybe it would sound like I was bragging".

I found that interesting on so many levels. On the one hand, the whole concept of fat talk among women is facinating in how prevalent it is. On a purely linguistic note, the idea that by not saying anything she could be thought to be bragging was hysterical.