Saturday, September 10, 2005

...sweet fantastic...

Oh that Ian Brown, so pretty and voice-lovely. He makes me feel fantastic. I think most Ian's are lovely - one of my favorite managers at work is Ian. He, too, is lovely. And good at scaring the crazy people away when they decide to chat with me for 20 minutes about lord knows what, telling you how much they love your store and the people in it.

Yesterday we got a new set of books in - Puffin Classics Graphics. The classics, in graphic novel form. Because simple words on a page are increasingly beyond the capabilities of today's youth. The text stayed fairly true to form, but settings and times were changed for a modern effect, so that children would relate better to it. Which is understandable. If I were a 14 year old boy in this day and age, I'm sure I would enjoy better reading a Macbeth that took place in "Stardate 1040" where the forces of Macbeth and Macdonwald fought each other with light sabers and dragons, and Lady Macbeth's servent was a robot...

I feel old.