Monday, March 07, 2005

...thirst and hunger, and you were the fruit...

I can't be more than 10 minutes away from my destination. 5 minutes on an ordinary day, but this isn't an ordinary day and I am wearing pointy heels. No matter how you look at it, I am very much close by and could be there even now if it were not for the rain, this brief thunderstorm which came out of nowhere in the two minutes wherein I ran into the library to use their bathroom. Now I am stuck, and taking up time by typing aimlessly in here.

I made Chinese noodles with a vegetable stir fry for lunch. I hadn't cooked in almost a month, haven't had the time. That's probably why I forgot to put the soy sauce in.

It's not just restlessness that makes me want to get out of this building - I'm constantly ill at ease in here. Too many non-anonymous people in one place, and past encounters, near misses. Just oen of many hated things I put up with for the convenience.

There. The rain is slowing down - that's my cue.