Wednesday, July 26, 2006

...shit crazy...

I can't even describe to what extent this has been a horrible day. The inefficiencies of my university have reached an all-time high and their bureaucratic fuckups (the ones which slated me as third year and not fourth) have had an unexpected consequence that makes me wince: apparently I received my scholarship allowance for third year last year when I *was* in third year, but this year I don't yet qualify for fourth year until January and am now in some kind of limbo year. Since they can't give me my third year amount again, and can't give me my fourth year payment at all until I am in fourth year, this year I get nothing. *Next* year I can get my fourth year payments, but next year I will be taking a credit and a half so they will pay me something like $800 for those credits. This years credits? On me.

I fucking hate Vic. So. Absurd.

I need, in order of importance:
- tuition money for this year
- a sledgehammer to take to the registrars office
- a better-paying job

Why am I even doing this again? Can I drop out of school? It's so ridiculous and frustrating, I need these complications like I need a hole in the head. Maybe I *should* just shoot myself in the head...