Tuesday, January 04, 2005

...peut-il se reposer, celui qui dort...

i) I donated $100 to Red Cross through Indigo today for the tsunami relief effort in Asia. Through a phenomenally generous program, each dollar you donate as an employee is matched by Indigo, and then matched again by the government of Canada. Which means that the $100 I donated today amounts to a $400 donation to Red Cross.

ii) I did something silly today and started three books simultaneously. Now I don't know which to concentrate my efforts. The first is "Everything is Illuminated" by Jonathan Safran Foer, the second "The Following Story" by a Cees Nooteboom (I think), and the third a collection of Paul Eluard's poetry, in French.

iii) The child didn't read (i.e. was unaware of) my declaration of newfound allergies. Do we all remember, I said explicitly "once and future bartenders", having had him specifically in mind at the time. Which means... do not make yourself apparent to me again. Thank you.

iv) It is possible (read: definite) that I lost my bank card earlier today. What does one do in a situation like this? I want to call the bank but they are closed. What do I DO?

v) So there's a party on Saturday that I'm going to. The theme was made aware to me today as being "Mr. Belvedere". What is this business, and what does it mean for me? It says "theme", does that mean costume? Aidez-moi, s'il vous plait. Je suis la confuse.

vi) Must perfect French. Must perfect French. Must perfect French.