Friday, April 04, 2008

...overheard in starbucks (reprise)...

The two men across from me are having a business meeting of sorts. They are clearly corporate (so far, I am guessing some kind of firm management) but as they sat down the conversation began with a discussion of the first man's "presidential rolex". Covered in triple diamonds on the numbers and inlaid within the solid gold band, it's worth "a couple of cars", somewhere around "150 or so". Thousand, that is.

Now the actual meeting has started - Mr. Presidential is introducing the other gentleman to a personnel management software. I can't hear the name but it sounds fascinating. Apparently, it can categorize people in a company according to their normative personalities and behaviours, whether they are fact-finders, follow-through types, or quick-starters; whether they are resisters, initiaters, patterners or accomodaters. I love this, a software that embeds a psychological index. How Foucauldian - must write John.

Dammit - my ride is here, I have to leave the presentation. Note to self: spend more useless hours in Starbucks just listening to people.