Friday, April 04, 2008

...guilty of dust...

i) I think it's interesting that the top two referrers to my blog are google searches for pictures of cute kittens, and searches for the lyrics to "do you suppose i'd come running". These account for something like 4-5 visitors a day. To any of today's visitors: welcome!

ii) If Frank Bidart and I were ever to meet I would ask him to explain some things to me: mainly how to reconcile the two disparate thoughts in the poem I'm reading today like a horoscope, a harbinger of destiny. He wrote this the year I was born and that, I think, makes it even more significant.

iii) I have written more posts in the last 36 hours than I did during the entire month of March. I hope you have all picked up on (intuited?) the fact that I have three papers due in the next week, and am currently having difficulty writing any of them.