Tuesday, December 04, 2007

...tired of being sexy...

I read a short story the summer before 12th grade called Two Words, by Isabel Allende, and it stayed with me for such a long time after. The past couple weeks I have been wanting to read it again with a physical intensity, and I've spent days thinking about buying "The Stories of Eva Luna" and immersing myself in the short tale of Belisa Crepusculario. I held off until today because I knew I needed to focus on this absurd Anthropology of Food exam. Finally this morning I stopped into the store and bought the book, took it back to campus with me and spent the 45 minutes immediately before my exam reading this gorgeous, powerful story again. I think it was the best thing I could have done before this test - it took my mind off this ridiculous test for this ridiculous class with this ridiculous prof and reminded me of important things, like love and words and storytelling and loneliness and powerful Colonels whose eyes soften at the sight of someone they didn't expect to see again...

Who needs to know how meals relate to the articulation of selves and cultures when there are stories like this in the world?