Sunday, November 12, 2006

...reagan did it better...

They installed these two massive tin soldiers at the entrance of the children's section, red cardboard. They look festive and re mind me of the nutcracker so secretly I love them. Less secretly, the cardboard is flimsy and the wide red base invites browser seaters, only to find themselves assbackwards head over feet when the cardboard collapses under their weight. Day one, a man took the liberty and upon falling, kicked it violently. Stormed out, came back, saw staff and management present and watching, kicked it *again*... then ran out the store. We replaced. Day two, a child of about 9 was sitting on it. I approached him and said, "oh honey you can't sit there". He begins to rise, upsets the balance of the soldier and the whole contraption starts falling in on him. He then promptly bursts into tears. I freeze. Awestruck at the sight of an older boy child in tears. Kate, one of the new staff, herself the mother of two young boys immediately takes over and calms him down. I flee into the breakroom, terrified if I stay I will make yet more children cry. The verdict later was the child was just very sensitive, but that made me feel only marginally better. I blame the nutcracker prince.

Then yesterday I came into work to find Kate laughing and one of my other colleagues looking slightly distraught. Kate says: "Ask Silvia how she made a child cry today". I go nuts at this point, at this new policy we appear to have. Crying jags free with purchase. "Bridget Jones, you are ridiculous"...