Thursday, May 26, 2005

...with these things there's no telling...

Last night I wanted to scream and shout to the world, everyone was asleep - Thommasina the Raccoon's baby got stuck in a hole and Kristen attempted a rescue operation at 5:30 a.m. I heard the commotion and came out, not to help, but to tell people my news because I would have exploded from the inside otherwise. Bursting with nervous energy, I still had to take a walk in the middle of the night. The sunrise was gorgeous this morning.

Such a build up, such such such - and suddenly to have arrived, is odd even though I knew it would come. And no one understands the significance of this morning. I mean, the whole world changed, how can everyone still be sleeping? Why doesn't everyone just *know*?

I feel like some great romantic figure from our times should be calling me to acknowledge this momentous occasion. Maybe even Kevin Costner, if it comes to that - "Ma'am I just want to acknowledge the importance of this night. Thank you for sticking to your heart, we are all better off for your determination". I would forgive his California accent just this once, because he got it.

Just don't get nervous, don't think too much. Don't break. Hearts, resolves... don't break any.