Monday, July 05, 2004

...a delicate procedure...

Before we begin:

i) Keep an eye on candidness. Say nothing that can be used against you.
ii) Things of the too-personal will be kept to an absolute minimum.
iii) Things of the too-political will be kept to an absolute minimum.
iv) We strive for balance; extremity is disconcerting and awkward.

With those in mind, here be blog the fourth. Editions 2 and 3 were both temporary and topic-specific. Really then, this be blog the second when speaking in general and not particular terms. Welcome, nonetheless. I doubt you'll be very well entertained, but it isn't as if I dragged you here kicking and screaming.

Yes, you did.

Well, yes I know I did, but you weren't supposed to mention it. Gracious, remember?